join us for online & in-person yoga classes

Upaiya Yoga is a free thinking school of yoga, which recognises the practise of yoga as an intrinsic element of a healthy and balanced life.Our classes are rooted in Hatha and Ashtanga yoga asana, the foundations on which all other forms of yoga were built.Upaiya Yoga teaches students how to realise the inherent wisdom of these traditional practices, and apply them to the modern world in a way which embraces all of the beauty and the challenges we face today.

To support people to live a life that allows them to feel more, and think less

Tom Barkan


Tom started Upaiya Yoga to explore how we can live with a greater emphasis on how we feel, and reclaim the energy that has been spent on our thoughts. Qualified in the traditional styles of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga, Tom shows students how to apply the ancient teachings of these practices to the modern world, and rediscover our right to inner joy!

Yoga means something different to everyone - at Upaiya Yoga we encourage a holistic approach, which encourages students to incorporate yoga into their wider practise for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle

We have different bodies, goals, and needs; our individuality should be reflected in our own yoga practise, and empower us to all be proud of our differences

To support people to live a life that allows them to feel more, and think less

In-person Classes

ClassDate & Time (Cusco, Peru)Location
Yang to Yin YogaComing SoonImaginatea Cafe, Lucreapata Cusco

Online Classes


Get in touch to discuss one-to-one coaching and upcoming retreats!

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Thank you for your message, we will be in touch soon :)